Thursday, August 30, 2012

A message to Garcia

Today in Human Geo Mr.Schick read us A Message to Garcia by Elbert Hubbard  and asked us to write notes in our copybooks about it.  He started reading and I wasn't really fully paying attention but then it got interesting.  It talked about President McKinley wanting to send a message to General Garcia who no one knew where he lived. President McKinley asked a messenger named Rowen to go and deliver the letter. Rowen didn't ask questions and went on a journey to deliver the letter even though he had no directions on where Rowen was. The whole message here is that you just have to do your best in whatever your told and give it your all without asking questions.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

2nd Day

Today in class we really didn’t do much.  I talked with the kids around me which was interesting..

ArĂȘte:  A sharp edged ridge of a rock that is caused by glaciers

Polis:  Greek, mean “city”

Socrates:  a Greek philosopher that is known for finding western philosophy

The death of Socrates:  a painting by a French painter that pictures Socrates being condemned to die by drinking poison

The date 508 BC: Cleisthenes changes the government of Athens

Agora: Means “assembly” or “gathering”, it was the spot in the middle of the Greek city states where people came

What did ancient Greeks mean when thy called you an idiot?  In ancient Greece  it meant civilian.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 1

Today was my first real class of human Geo. Mr.Schick gave the class new seats where I sit in the back near the air conditioner :) We went over a lot of things. We read through the class syllabus.He explained lateness,homework, and his grading system. I like the idea of writing a blog every night after class too! I think that its a neat way to use technology, English (spell check and writing), and also discussing the days topic and what we learned. I like the whole going green thing too. Using less paper really does help the environment!  I think I'm really going to like Human Geo !

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Day of High School

My first day experience at John Carroll went very well.  I started out nervous the night before not getting very much sleep. I didn't know what to expect, even though I've heard so many stories from my older brother and have been to the campus many times. I first went to the cafeteria where I saw my friends from St.Margaret's having the same nervous faces that I had. Then everyone went to the auditorium for an introduction. Next it was advisory! Mr. Gaudreau is my advisor! He is really cool! Being in the art wing for advisory is nice because it has air conditioning and its not like a normal classroom feel. Mr. Gaudreau showed me my locker where getting it open was a struggle! It took me five tries! From that point on the whole day happened so fast! It was honestly a lot of fun! Starting school in a new place with so many new people is great! I got my picture taken for the yearbook and student I.D. , ate lunch and then began my mini schedule of classes.  My favorite class was math because well who doesn't love math!? Orientation was a very good experience and on Monday I will already know my way around the school like a pro. I'm excited to spend my next four years as a patriot!