Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012

Today in Human Geo we got our tests back. I didn't do as well as i thought i would. I will try harder for the next test. We also started watching a movie on economy and are taking notes in our notebooks. We have 3 more full weeks of school left and then we have mid terms and then Christmas break! I need to start studying Human Geo so i can get an A on this Mid- Term !!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Country's 2

Declared independence on August 19, 1919.

They declared independence from Britain after the Treaty of Rawalpindi in 1919. The British fought three wars with Afghanistan. The first was fought in 1839-1842 and led to the massacre of the whole British force in Jalalabad. The second one was in 1878-1880 and the British won bringing  the Afghan rebellion to an end. The third in 1919 led to the independence clebrated every year throughout all of Afghanistan.

Declared independence on September 7, 1822.

On September 2, 1822 a new decree with Lisbon’s demands arrived in Rio de Janeiro. Princess Matia Leopoldina met with the Council of Ministers and decided to send a letter to her husband telling him to proclaim Brazil’s independence. The letter reached the Prince on Septermber 7, 1822 and 322 years of colonial dominance of Portugal over Brazil ended.

Declared independence on July 14, 1790.

On July 11 the people of Paris stormed the Bastile, a prison in Paris which had often held people jailed on the basis of lettres de cachet. Shortly after the storming of the Bastile, on August 4 feudalism was abolished and on August 26, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen proclaimed.

Declared independence on October 3, 1990.

Into the 1980’s, the Soviet Union experienced a period of economic and political stagnatoin, and they correspondingly decreased intervention in Eastern Bloc Politics.

Declared independence on August 15, 1947.

India attained freedom fdue to an independence movement for large peaceful nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience led by the Indian National Congress.   
Iran- Iran achieved independence on October 24, 1979. Before Iran was independent it was called Persia.   


Iran- Iran achieved independence on October 24, 1979.                                                                                 Before Iran was independent it was called Persia.                                                                                          

Mexico- Mexico achieved independence on September                                                                                               16, 1810. It wasn't recognized until September 27, 1821.                                                                                        Mexico used to be owned by Spain.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Saudi Arabia- Saudi Arabia was founded on September 23 1932.        

The United Kingdom- The United Kingdom was first                                                                                    brought into union on May 1, 1707. There latest treaty                                                                                           was on April 12, 1922.

Venezuela- Venezuela was colonized by Spain in 1522.                                                                                It was the first Spanish American colony to gain independence                                                                        in  1811 but was not established until 1821-1830.

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012

Today in Human Geo we got our tests back! I got an 44/ 52. 3 people I know had a  birthday today! We went over the answers and that took up most of the class considering we had an assembly today.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

2 facts about the presidents

Enrique Peno Nieto
               1. He was the governor of Mexico 2005-2011
               2. He has a book and in the book he says Mexico needs broaden its economy because they need more jobs

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
               1. He is trying to bring up more rights for women. Some still criticized that he isn't trying
               2. He is also criticized for his religious freedom rights.

Angela Merkel
               1. She is the first women to become head of Germany

Dilma Rousseff
               1. She was in jail for her political beliefs.

Queen Elizabeth
               1. Shes lived through 12 U.S. presidents
Hu  Jintao
                1.  Hes a communists - they've never have done well in the long run
Barrack Obama
               1. was a civil rights teacher and lawyer before becoming the president - collage professor
               2. The Senator of Illinois

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 1, 2012

Today in Human Geo we reviewed are test that we took. I didn't get a good enough grade. I got a 73 ! I had to get moved in class for today because I  was laughing at something I was drawing. I will be better next class